Our first stop today was Lenana Primary School in the Dagoretti Slums. Believe it or not there are 17 major slum areas around the city of Nairobi where more than 3 million people struggle to survive. At Lenana School there are 400 kids crammed into a tiny little facility. Lenana always runs at maximum capacity because it is the only tuition free school in this section of Nairobi. Almost all these children would not be in school except for the opportunity afforded them by this ministry.

As we drove up to the front gate young students were waiting for us with a flower for each member of our team and a little welcoming speech. At the first sight of so many children sitting shoulder to shoulder is such cramped quarters, everyone is shocked, but after a few minutes you realize that these kids are more than happy to be here, away from the dangers of the slums, having a chance to learn and being fed two times a day throughout their primary years.

Our Kings Students dove right in. Visiting each class, listening to their welcoming speeches and songs and telling them that they were loved. Before we left the school we gathered in one of the rooms for tea and fry bread to meet the extraordinary group of 17 volunteer teachers who have sacrificed to much for the welfare of these underprivileged kids.

We then took 140 of the older kids to a nearby Catholic School for an assembly and some games of basketball and soccer. There we were joined by 60 other kids from our other slum school in the Kibera Slums. One of the hightlights of the day, from my perspective was David Wenkai Zhang’s martial arts demonstration. Jackie Chan would have been impressed to watch his incredible moves.

Following our assembly everyone took to the field for basketball and soccer. I had told our team that these junior high kids were very good at soccer, but I don’t know if anyone believed me until the Americans were defeated 9 to 1 by the Kenyans in a very lopsided match; this in spite of the fact that we were really trying! Truth be told, I think all of us were very happy for the kids, because they will have years of boasting about how they beat the American giants on the soccer field. Way to go Lenana and Kibera!

We ended our day with a meal at a local hotel with a large number of kids, teachers, orphanage workers and ministry leaders. By the time we got back to our rooms we were so exhausted that we postponed our usual debrief until breakfast.

Today was another day when kids were touched by the genuine love of God through the hands of an extraordinary group of Christian kids from Kings High School.

Wish everyone at home could be here to witness it first hand.

check our our photos on our Facebook page: Khskenya2018

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