It’s the final day of the Shinyalu medical camp and I have one more inspiring story to share. One of the most common problems here in this village is poor eyesight. Really, it’s not any more prevalent than anywhere else in the world; there is simply no access to a quality optometrist, or money to pay for prescription glasses. This is where WorldComp steps in. We have a quality optometry team working hard to provide prescriptions for every patient. In some cases only reading glasses are necessary, others need a quality pair of eyeglasses. Unfortunately, very few people have enough money to pay for this.

One young girl named Century had a desperate need for eyeglasses. Her vision was so bad, she would get headaches just from reading her schoolbooks. She was struggling in school, barely making the necessary marks to pass. Scott Andrina felt like God wanted to buy her eyeglasses. They cost only $40, but that is far out of reach for most families here. Yesterday, we gave the optometrist the necessary funds for her eyeglasses and he came back with a sweet pair of ray bans perfectly matching her prescription. God is still in the business of giving sight to the blind. We are so grateful.


In other news, Scott Andrina, our resident evangelist, has gone rogue. Today, he strayed from the prayer tent and went up and down the waiting area praying for hundreds of people. I think he’s on his second bottle of anointing oil! I’m going to have to buy a gallon of vegetable oil from the local store just to keep him supplied. I’m about to head outside to check the vitals of his interpreter because it doesn’t look like he will be stopping anytime soon.

Scott evangelist
Interpreter David

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