I trust you will forgive me if I devote one blog to informing you of our financial needs for this 2½ months in Kenya. During the times when we are in Kenya we have special short-term financial needs due to the many things we do. It has been our practice to “feel” our way through, trying to make the most of our time and trying to be sensitive to the leading of the Lord.

On every visit there are numerous things that come up that we feel a response to be involved in. Our involvement invariably costs money. My own history here in Kenya has taught me to move forward and to trust the Lord to send resources to meet our needs. Operating like this has produced an enormous amount of fruit in our ministry.

That being said, please let me ask you to remember us at this time. If you could send a special gift, it would be a great blessing. Here are a few of the things that have come up during this time.

  • Pastor’s Conferences
  • Medical Camp in Masai Village
  • Network Partners Seminar
  • Meals for Special Events
  • Special Needs for WorldComp Workers
  • Special needs for the Solid Rock Widows Center
  • Modest Hotels and accommodations
  • Needs at the Orphanage (Beds, blankets, kitchen supplies, etc)
  • Gifts for our Volunteer Teachers
  • Vehicle Expenses
  • Personal Support for our living expenses

We are so grateful that so many of you are tracking with us on our journey and sending such sweet responses to our daily emails. It makes us feel like you are here with us and that your prayers are undergirding all that we do.


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