I wish everyone could experience a Sunday morning service at the Kakamega Church.  It is so incredibly fun.  Those of us from traditional American churches have to lighten up and go with the flow to really enjoy it.  First of all it is a 3 hour service.  They boast about the volume at a Seahawk game but believe me, the volume here is way above that.  They have huge speakers in the church they were at full volume.  In some ways their worship is very biblical.  You talk about making a joyful noise; well this is it.  The sound from the church can be heard a mile away.  They have horns blowing, the kind they have at a Sounders game.  People are whistling, jumping, shouting, waving, clapping, and dancing.  There is always a conga-line at some point.  I know some of you guys are saying “I’m glad I wasn’t there”.  Well too bad for you.  As for me, I just have the time of my life.

We have a lot of family in Kenya, but we only have one home, The Kakamegatown Church.  As usual Bishop Simeon Obayo introduces me as the “Senior Pastor” of the church.  Over the years we have made a number of investments in the congregation and the church has grown, not only in numbers but in maturity.  There are no less than 12 pastors who attend this church.  Only a few of them are on staff.  The others just want to be here and have ministries all over the area.  In the last year a large number of business professionals have joined the church and given it a big boost in it’s finances.  We left the church with big smiles on our faces.  It was inspiring and just plain fun.

We had a farewell dinner tonight with the Obayo clan.  Always a wonderful time.

Tomorrow we are off to Nairobi on the 6pm flight.  Along the road we will stop for a sumptuous meal at the home of the best cook in Kenya, Nancy Odwaro.

Valerie, Britta and Kathy picked up a bit of food poisoning today, so please pray for them.

Thanks for following us on our journey.  Keep up the prayers.