Sometimes the things we don’t want to do turn out to be just what God wants us to do. Last night Osborn informed us that we were going to make a visit to a children’s home in Kakamega before we headed for Nancy Odwaro’s house and the best meal in Kenya.  I have to tell you, it was all I could do to restrain myself from refusing to go, because we are all tired and we wanted to get moving.  However we obeyed and a few minutes later found ourselves driving into a Children’s Home for the Deaf.  We were greeted by the Director whose name was Gibson.  He was a large Kenyan man with a wonderful smile and excellent diction.  We sat down in his office as he shared with us the situation in the home.  He had recently gone to the government office to pick up the support for the center and they told him that they were sorry, but there wasn’t any.  The sad situation in Kenya is that children who are blind or deaf or handicapped are simply abandoned in the system.  He took us on a tour of the facility to see the 68 children who were housed in the home.  Let me tell you our entire team was moved to tears when we saw these beautiful children.  Their eyes lit up as we greeted each one of them.  Anyone who had eyes to see could see that the Director and the teachers in this school genuinely loved these children.  We visited the kitchen while they were preparing for lunch and found that there was hardly anything in the kitchen.  The had prepared tea for lunch without sugar because they couldn’t afford any.  The Director told me that the sweet woman who was making lunch had actually delayed her marriage for several years because she couldn’t bring herself to abandon the children.  At the end of our time the children stood in the grass in a half circle and sang “Jesus loves me” in sign language.  I felt moved to make a donation to them of $10,000 Shillings ($120) to buy groceries for the next few weeks.  Afterwards Dr. George and I whispered to each other and both of us knew for certain that the Lord was calling us to partner with this Group.  We are going to discuss giving them monthly support on Friday.   I know I have written a lot about this place, but believe me, if you had been there with us, you would know that this was truly a Divine Appointment.

Then it was on to Nancy Odwaro’s and without a doubt, it was the best meal in Kenya.

As I write this we are sitting In the Kisumu Airport waiting for our 8pm flight.  It was suppose to take off at 6:30 but they changed the schedule and failed to tell us.  Welcome the Kenya.  Hakuna Matata!

Thanks again for your continued prayer and support.

All our love
Richard and the Kenya Team

Worldcomp Kenya Relief International
7758 Earl Ave NW
Seattle, WA 98117
On-line giving at: