On our final visit today to the Worldcomp Orphanage we brought 30 children’s books that I had purchased in a second hand store nearby. There was not a single book yet at the Orphanage. Actually I thought the books would be a non-event for the kids, but I was shocked when the children grabbed at the books as if they were fine chocolate. This is something I have never seen in my world. Once we passed out the books the kids just sat around the table reading, looking at pictures and laughing. Several of them did not know how to read so they just looked at the pictures and made up their own stories. They didn’t want to stop for dinner. I took a lot of pictures because I just had no idea how much these books would mean to the kids. Valerie and I have grown to love these children so much. We also admit that we look forward to the way they charge at us to hug us everytime we arrive.

Several days ago as we discussed the food budget I realized that I had no clue how much it was going to cost to care for the kids. I thought it would be 6 or 7 hundred dollars a month, it all added up to just over $1800 a month. When I saw the bottom line I knew that the Lord had tricked me again. Sometimes I am too practical to obey the Lord. If I had known the cost I would have said “we have to wait until we have the money”. But here’s the deal! For 6 months now all of us have known that the Lord was leading us to open an orphanage. So we have joyfully moved forward with the project. As I was in prayer today the Lord assured me that “Where the Lord guides, He provides”, so I am at peace. Truth be told, the Lord has told me that this orphanage is only the first of many that Worldcomp will open in the years ahead.

Every member of the Worldcomp team here in Kenya has, in some way, promised me that they will not fail these kids, and on my part, I do not plan to fail them either. Please pray for us, especially in these early days, that the foundations of this ministry to these precious children will be laid carefully on the living word of Christ and that He will bless us as we follow His direction.

Tomorrow we board the plane for home. The blessings of this last three months have been priceless but as we drove back from the orphanage today both Valerie and I told our fiends that we were ready to go home.

We are looking forward to seeing all of you again.

Let me remind everyone that we are going to have a “Kenya Night” on April 11th at Westside Church. We would love to see you there to celebrate with us.

Kenya Night
Friday Night April 11th @ 7pm
Westside Church
7758 Earl Ave NW
Seattle, WA 98117