Finally, we are in the air on our way to our beloved Kenya. People ask me all the time if I am excited about going to Kenya and I always tell them “The most exciting thing for me is to come around the corner out of customs and find our Kenyan brothers and sisters waiting for us in the reception area.” One of the greatest gifts I have ever received is the gift of relationship to these dear people. The Lord has put us together, an assortment of ordinary people, to accomplish something extraordinary. It may sound a bit egotistical to say that “we are changing a nation”, but let me just say “We are changing a nation, through Christ.”

The older we get, the more of a challenge it is to prepare and to travel to Kenya. We have to take extra precautions with our health these days. We are traveling with six 50 pound suitcases and several carry-on items. In those suitcases are a wide variety of medical and dental equipment, plus gifts for orphans, widows and friends.

We are leaving a week late because we postponed our trip in order to spend a precious week with Valerie’s father in Indianapolis. His name is George White. He is in very serious condition and struggling for life. We sat with him in the hospital every day, praying for him and letting him know he is loved. We also had a chance visit with his pastors and to discuss his ongoing medical care with his doctors. The Lord only knows how long he will be with us, but we felt God’s release to head on over to Kenya. We know that we may get a phone call within the next month telling us that he has gone to be with the Lord. If that happens Valerie will need to fly back to be with the family for the funeral. Please keep George in your prayers.

Tomorrow night when we arrive we spend the night in the Worldcomp house in Nairobi. Following that we will get set up in a three bedroom apartment that we have rented in town. This will be “home base” for us while in Kenya. It will be the sight of many prayer gatherings, planning sessions, guest accommodations and family meals.

This email is the first of many to come. I am always blessed to hear that people are reading and following us on our adventures. Thank you dear friends for your continued prayers and financial support. We are carrying with us your financial gifts and let me assure you they will be put to use in the wonderful work of the Lord.

Please remember that you can communicate with us simply by hitting the reply button.

All our love

Richard and Valerie
Contributions to
Worldcomp Kenya Relief International
7758 Earl Ave NW
Seattlle, WA 98117

Online Giving: