The old song says “If we never had a problem, we wouldn’t know that God could solve them”.  Well we had a problem!  The ultrasound machine came to the camp in great shape, but when we turned it on there was a power surge that burned a section of the motherboard.  There was a puff of smoke, a terrible odor and then nothing!  How do you solve the problem like this in a place like this.  Well it turns out the Nashon Tado (one of our board members) has a friend who is a technician for the very machine we have.  He came to our camp-site, took the machine apart, identified the problem and it is now being fixed at his shop.  It will be up and running in a few days.  25 people were waiting for an ultrasound, so we told them that we would pick them up on Thursday afternoon, bring them to our next campsite for the procedure and then bring them back.

Day two of the South B medical camp is in full swing.  We are on pace to set a record for the number of patients.  Again the atmosphere in the camp is very peaceful and joyful.  We had devotions this morning with the entire medical team and shared a word from the words of Jesus: John 13:34-34  “This is my commandment that you love one another even as I have loved you.  By this shall all men know that you are my disciples if you have love for one another.”  We encouraged the staff to remember that other groups from all backgrounds are doing medical camps.  But the proof of discipleship is not that we hold medical camps to meet human need, but in the fact that we physically demonstrate love in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ.  We do this in a number of ways.  With our lips, with our expressions and with our hands.  The touch of a human hand on a person who is suffering cannot be overrated.  Jesus healed with the touch of His hand and we are commanded to pray for the healing of others through the laying on of our hands.  Many times doctors and nurses minister to people with deadpan faces and treat patients like numbers.  But God’s way is to lay our hands on people to express our personal concern and the love of the Lord.  A mother who brings her sick child needs to know the physical expressing of love to her and her child by the touch of a human hand.  If you were in our camp you see people shaking hands, hugging and touching people everywhere.  Our current staff of medics and volunteers numbers over 150 in this camp and all of them are demonstrating love in a demonstrative way.  I wish you were here.  There is nothing better than this.

Please continue to pray for us.  We are putting in long days and we are not over jet lag yet.  Ask God to refresh everyone on our team.

Thanks again dear friends for you love and your prayers.